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Template Tags

np.Templating uses a tagging system to indicate where dynamic content will be generated within template notes.


  • <% Script tag to be used when executing any JavaScript command without producing any output
  • <%- Outputs the value into the template
  • <%_ ‘Whitespace Slurping’ Template tag, strips all whitespace before it (example)
  • <%@ Display Prompt (same as using <%- prompt(...) %>)
  • <%# Comment tag, no execution, no output
  • <%% Outputs a literal '<%'
  • -%> ‘Whitespace Slurping’ Template tag, strips all whitespace after it (example)
  • %> Plain ending tag

Output Tags

When you wish to output anything to the rendered template, you use the output <%-


The following are various examples of np.Templating tags in action

Standard Flow Control Tag

The standard flow tag <% is used when you want to perform a standard JavaScript action such as looping or conditionals. In this example, a getData method would be called, but the actual output would be displayed in another section of template.

<% const data = getData() %>
<%- data %>

Standard output tag (variable)

Display first name variable contained in np.Templating Plugin Settings

<%- user.first %>

Standard output tag (module method)

Displays current date from Date Module

<%- %>

Unescaped Output Tag

Displays result from defined in np.Templating Plugin Settings


np.Templating doesn't escape characters by default. When doing web requests, it may be useful to escape dangerous characters. You can escape a command's response characters using the <%- tag.

<%- web.service('developerQuote') %>

Strip Whitespace

When you have have process tags (this which do no produce output), it is recommended that you use the Whitespace Slurping tags.

<%_ const testName = 'Mike' -%>
name: <%- testName %>

will produce the following output

name: Mike