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Quick Notes

Sometimes, you have templates that you apply often, and you would like to specify in advance, for example, the folder you want a new note to be placed in, the title of the note, and the template to use for the Quick Notes are more specific templates for creating new notes.

Quick Notes Templates

By default, Quick Notes templates are located in "๐Ÿ—’ Quick Notes" however you can place them where you wish within the "Templates" folder.

Template Chooser


Due to utilization of advanced templating features, Quick Note templates must be using the frontmatter style, legacy templates are not supported.

Using Quick Notes

When you create a Quick Note template, it becomes available via the np:qtn command. When invoking the np:qtn, you will see the Quick Note Template Picker, where you can select the desired Quick Note template for which you want to create a new note.

Template Chooser

Step 1: Invoke NotePlan Command Bar (Command-J)

Step 2: Type np:qtn (or any of the qtn aliases)

Step 3: Select desired template

After selecting the desired Quick Note, a new note will be created in the defined folder location as defined in the Quick Note template header.


If you only have a single Quick Note in the "๐Ÿ—’ Quick Notes" folder, it will be selected automatically and the Template Chooser dialog will not be displayed.

Quick Note Template Required Attributes

Each Quick Note must contain each of the following items:

  • title - contains the template title (this is what will appear in np:qtn template chooser)
  • type - specifies that this is a Quick Note template (should include quick-note in this CSV list)
  • newNoteTitle - will be name of new note. You can use any np.Templating module method, such as <%- %>, or a prompt command such as <%- prompt('meetingSummary','What would you like to discuss') %>
  • folder - path to folder where new note will be created
    • if folder has a value of <select> new note will be created in the selected folder
    • if folder has a value of <current> new note will be created in the folder of the currently displayed note
    • if folder has a value of <current> but you are not displaying a NotePlan, new note will be created in selected folder

All template attributes values must start with an alpha character (a..z, A..Z) and may not include illegal characters such as # otherwise must be surrounded with double quotes. To be safe with any frontmatter attribute, it is always a good idea to wrap in quotes as to not lead to issues down the road.


The following attribute value will cause any FrontMatter module method to return an empty attribute block

title: - invalid character #includingHasTag


The following attribute value be properly parsed as it is surrounded in quotes

title: "- invalid character #includingHasTag"



The following example outlines the 4 mandatory field in a Quick Note template

title: Codedungeon Call
type: quick-note
newNoteTitle: <%- prompt('meetingSummary','What would you like to discuss') %> <%- %>
folder: "Projects/Sample/FooProject"
### Attendees
*Who is on call?*

### Topics
- item 1
- item 2

### Next Actions
* action 1
* action 2