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FrontMatter Module


The FrontMatter Module can be used to work with templates which are in frontmatter format


FrontMatter Helpers

The FrontMatter Module exposes commonly used helper methods


The following are the methods available in the FrontMatter Module, and they can be used to process frontmatter formatted templates


When implementing NPTemplating.renderTemplate if template is a valid frontmatter template, they will be rendered automatically without performing any additional frontmatter processing


All frontmatter attributes values must start with an alpha character (a..z, A..Z) otherwise must be surrounded with double quotes


The following attribute value will cause any FrontMatter module method to return an empty attribute block

attribute: - invalid character


The following attribute value be properly parsed as it is surrounded in quotes

attribute: "- invalid character"


isFrontmatterTemplate(templateData : string = '') : boolean

Returns true | false if supplied template data is valid frontmatter content

  • templateData - Template data

  • -> result - Returns true | false if template is frontmatter format


The following example returns true or false if supplied template data is a fronmatter template.

import NPTemplating from 'NPTemplating'
import FrontMatterTemplate from '@TemplatingModules/FrontMatterModule'

export async function testFrontmatter(): Promise<void> {
try {
const result = await NPTemplating.getTemplate('FrontMatter Template Example')

const isFrontMatterTemplate = new FrontMatterModule().isFrontMatterTemplate(templateData)
} catch (error) {
console.log('testFrontmatter', error)


getFrontmatterBlock(templateData : string = '') : string

Returns frontmatter block from templateData

The frontmatter block of a template is content between start --- and end --- tags.

  • templateData - Template data

  • -> result - Returns frontmatter block


The following example returns the frontmatter block for supplied template data

import NPTemplating from 'NPTemplating'
import FrontMatterTemplate from '@TemplatingModules/FrontMatterModule'

export async function testFrontmatter(): Promise<void> {
try {
const result = await NPTemplating.getTemplate('FrontMatter Template Example')

const frontmatterBlock = new FrontMatterModule().getFrontmatterBlock(templateData)
} catch (error) {
console.log('testFrontmatter', error)


getFrontmatterText(templateData : string = '') : string

Returns frontmatter text from templateData

The frontmatter text of a template is content between start --- and end --- tags, including --- characters.

  • templateData - Template data

  • -> result - Returns frontmatter text


The following example returns the frontmatter text for supplied template data

import NPTemplating from 'NPTemplating'
import FrontmatterModule from '@TemplatingModules/FrontMatterModule'

export async function testFrontmatter(): Promise<void> {
try {
const result = await NPTemplating.getTemplate('FrontMatter Template Example')

const frontmatterText = new FrontMatterModule().getFrontmatterText(templateData)
} catch (error) {
console.log('testFrontmatter', error)


parse(templateData : string = '') : any

Parses frontmatter template, returning frontmatter attributes and body

  • templateData - Template data

  • -> result - Frontmatter template object, returns {attributes and body}


The following parses frontmatter template, return an object which contains two keys

  • attributes -> contains object of frontmatter header
  • body -> contains information after closing frontmatter tag ---
import NPTemplating from 'NPTemplating'
import FrontMatterTemplate from '@TemplatingModules/FrontMatterModule'

export async function testFrontmatter(): Promise<void> {
try {
const result = await NPTemplating.getTemplate('FrontMatter Template Example')

const frontmatterObj = new FrontMatterModule().parse(templateData) // returns frontmatter properties (attributes and body)

const attrs = frontmatterObj?.attributes || {}
const body = frontmatterObj?.body || ''

} catch (error) {
console.log('testFrontmatter', error)


attributes(templateData : string = '') : any

Retrieves frontmatter attributes (tags between template tags ---)

Note: Also available as helper method

  • templateData - Template data

  • -> result - Frontmatter template attributes


Make sure all attribute values starts with alpha characters (a..z, A..Z) or surrounded with double quotes


The following example returns the current date, using default values

import NPTemplating from 'NPTemplating'
import FrontMatterTemplate from '@TemplatingModules/FrontMatterModule'

export async function testFrontmatter(): Promise<void> {
try {
const result = await NPTemplating.getTemplate('FrontMatter Template Example')

const templateAttributes = new FrontMatterModule().attributes(templateData) // returns frontmatter attributes

} catch (error) {
console.log('testFrontmatter', error)


body(templateData : string = '') : any

Retrieves frontmatter body (below closing frontmatter template block ---)

Note: Also available as helper method

  • templateData - Template data

  • -> result - Frontmatter template body


The following example returns the current date, using default values

import NPTemplating from 'NPTemplating'
import FrontMatterTemplate from '@TemplatingModules/FrontMatterModule'

export async function testFrontmatter(): Promise<void> {
try {
const result = await NPTemplating.getTemplate('FrontMatter Template Example')

const frontmatterBody = new FrontMatterModule().body(templateData) // returns frontmatter body

} catch (error) {
console.log('testFrontmatter', error)


convertProjectNoteToFrontmatter(projectNote : string = '') : number | string

Converts the supplied projectNote into Frontmatter Format

  • projectNote - Project Note

  • -> result - Converted note (string), or error code (number)

    • -1: Empty or invalid Project Note

    • -2: Project Note does not start with project title (must start with # character)

    • -3: Project Note already in frontmatter format

    • converted note: If no errors occurred, the result will be converted project note in Frontmatter format


The following example returns the current date, using default values

import NPTemplating from 'NPTemplating'
import FrontMatterTemplate from '@TemplatingModules/FrontMatterModule'

export async function testConvertProjectNote(): Promise<void> {
try {
const note = Editor.content || ''

const result = new FrontmatterModule().convertProjectNoteToFrontmatter(note)
// result:
// -1 invalid content
// -2 note does not start with title (must start with # character)
// -3 note is already in frontmatter format
// successfully converted project note

if(typeof result !== 'string') {
await CommandBar.prompt('Conversion Failed',`[${result}] An error occurred converting note.`)
} else {
// replace current note with converted note

Editor.highlightByIndex(0, 0)
} catch (error) {
console.log('testConvertProjectNote', error)

Using Prompts

If you wish to display prompts in your frontmatter attributes section, you can just use the standard np.Templating prompt command


Using something like the following, when the template is rendered np.Templating will display prompt requesting newNoteTitle

title: Sample Frontmatter Prompt
newNoteTitle: <%- prompt('newNoteTitle','Enter New Note Title:' %>

When template is rendered, the user will be prompted for newNoteTitle with entered value being used for new note


When using any of the following np.Templating commands (np:new, np:qtn), the created note will use the newNoteTitle internally


FrontMatterModule exposes commonly used methods as importable helpers






The following example will get attributes and body from frontmatter template

// import np.Templating Library
import NPTemplating from 'NPTemplating'
import { getAttributes, getBody } from '@templatingModules/FrontMatterModule'

const templateData = {
const templateData = NPTemplating.getTemplate('My Template')

const attrs = getAttributes(templateData)
const body = getBody(templateData)