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Time Module


The Time Module provides methods and variables which work with dates.


Refer to Date Module for similar methods which work with with date values


Formatting Time Values

The Time Module uses JavaScript moment library internally, thus you can use any of the moment formatting options. Each time token has a single or double token, with the double token being used to display leading zeros

NotePlan Event


If you wish to display time value with hour and minute in 24 hour format, separated by a dash : character, you would use <%-'H:mm') %>


namespace: time

The following are the methods available in the Time Module, and they can be used in any np.Templating template, no additional configuration required.


now(format? : string = '') : string

Returns a string representation current time.

  • format? - Desired time format. If not supplied, it will use the Time Format value in np.Templating Plugin Settings

  • -> result - Returns formatted time string


The following example returns the current time, using default values

<%- %>

The following example returns current time using custom format, using 12hr format.

<%-"h:mm") %>  // returns 7:22 (no leading zero)

The following example returns current time using custom format, using 24hr format, each displayed with leading zeros

<%-"HH:mm") %>  // returns 07:22

The following example returns curren time in 12hr format, with lowercase am/pm

<%-"hh:mm a") %>  // returns 07:22 am

The following example returns curren time in 12hr format, with uppercase AM/PM

<%-"hh:mm A") %>  // returns 07:22 AM


currentTime(format? : string = '') : string

Returns a string representation current time.

  • format? - Desired time format. If not supplied, it will use the Time Format in np.Templating Plugin Settings

  • -> result - Returns formatted time string


The following example returns the current time, using default values

<%- time.currentTime() %>

The following example returns current time using custom format

<%- time.currentTime("h:mm") %>

The following example uses the currentTime helper

<%- currentTime() %>


format(format : string = '', pivotDate? : string = '') : string

Formats pivotDate using supplied format.

Note: Also available as helper method

  • format? - A valid time format string

  • pivotDate? - Desired date to format. If not supplied, it will use current date.

  • -> result - Returns formatted time string


Refer to moment.js format for available formatting options


convertTime12to24(time12hr: string = '')

Convert 12-hour time to 24-hour time


TimeModule exposes commonly used methods as importable helpers


Returns current time

// import np.Templating Library
import NPTemplating from 'NPTemplating'
import DateModule from '@templatingModules/TimeModule'
import { time } from '@templatingModules/TimeModule'

const templateData = {
data: {
testTime: new TimeModule().now(), // returns current date using .now module method
myTime: time(), // returns current time, using default format h:mm A

const renderedData = NPTemplating.renderTemplate('My Template', data)