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Sample Plugin - Bible

The following is an actual plugin which can be used in your custom NotePlan plugins

Plugin Source

/* eslint-disable no-case-declarations */
// @flow

* Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Mike Erickson / Codedungeon. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

// References:
// -

const BIBLE_FORMATTING_OPTIONS = ['full', 'para', 'plain']

const BIBLE_RESPONSE_TYPES = ['text', 'json']

const getFormatting = (formatting: string = '') => {
return BIBLE_FORMATTING_OPTIONS.indexOf(formatting) !== -1 ? formatting : 'para'

const getResponseType = (type: string = 'text') => {
return BIBLE_RESPONSE_TYPES.indexOf(type) !== -1 ? type : 'text'

const formatData = (obj: any) => {
return JSON.stringify(obj, null, '\t')
.replace(/\\/g, ' ')
.replace(/, /g, ',\n ')
.replace(/"{/g, '{\n ')
.replace(/}"/g, '\n}')
.replace(/ ",/g, '",')
.replace(/ ":/g, '":')
.replace('[{', '\n[\n {')
.replace('}]', '\n }\n]')
.replace(']"', ']"')
.replace(/]"/g, ']\n"')

// $FlowFixMe
const formatResponse = (response: any, type: string = 'text', formatting = ''): string => {
switch (type) {
case '':
case 'plain':
return response.replace(/<b>/gi, '').replace(/<\/b>/gi, '')
case 'text':
return response.replace(/<b>/gi, '**').replace(/<\/b>/gi, '**')
case 'json':
if (formatting === 'raw') {
return '```\n' + formatData(response) + '\n```'
const data = JSON.parse(response)[0]
const result = `**${data.bookname} ${data.chapter}:${data.verse}** ${data.text}`
return result.replace(/<b>/gi, '**').replace(/<\/b>/gi, '**')

const BiblePlugin = {
baseURL: '',

async verse(verse: string, type: string = 'text', formatting: string = ''): Promise<string> {
const formattedVerse = verse.replace(' ', '%20')
const url: string = `${this.baseURL}passage=${formattedVerse}&type=${getResponseType(

try {
// $FlowFixMe
const response: any = await fetch(url)
return formatResponse(response, type, formatting)
} catch (error) {
return 'An error occured accessing ${url}'

async votd(type: string = 'text', formatting: string = ''): Promise<string> {
const url: string = `${this.baseURL}passage=votd&type=${type}&formatting=${getFormatting(formatting)}`
try {
// $FlowFixMe
const response: any = await fetch(url)
return formatResponse(response, type, formatting)
} catch (error) {
return 'An error occured accessing ${url}'

async random(type: string = 'text', formatting: string = ''): Promise<string> {
const url: string = `${this.baseURL}passage=random&type=${getResponseType(type)}&formatting=${getFormatting(
try {
// $FlowFixMe
const response: any = await fetch(url)
return formatResponse(response, type, formatting)
} catch (error) {
return 'An error occured accessing ${url}'

module.exports = BiblePlugin